Postpartum Core Rehab
Bridge – Lay on the floor with your knees bent. Push through your glutes up toward the sky and hold for three seconds. Then release back to the floor.
Cat-Cow – Start in tabletop position with your knees and palms supporting you. Draw your bellybutton toward the ground, arching your back in a “u” form, and focus your gaze upwards. Inhale and exhale to release and pull your belly button, arching it upward towards the sky, and turning your gaze downward. Repeat this cycle 10 times.
Lay on the ground with your legs outstretched in front of you. Keeping your legs straight, draw them up towards the sky. Release. You can do both legs at once, or try it one leg at a time.
What else can we do to help rebuild our core postpartum?Exercise is a very important factor in helping to rebuild and restrengthen your core postpartum. But of course, the importance of nutrition cannot be understated! Eating a healthy diet full of fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients is a MUST. A healthy diet is important at every stage in life, but even more so during the transitional phase of postpartum. If you only exercise and forget about nutrition, you’re going to be missing out on some serious progress (and vice-versa!).
If nutrition is something that you struggle with, or you are simply having a difficult time prioritizing your health (as so many mamas do!) then you need to read The All-In-One Self Care Guide for New Moms ASAP! This guide really helps you to build that strong, confident mom-bod of your dreams. Put yourself first and purchase this guide today! Wishing you all the best on your postpartum journey, |