How To Calm Your Busy Mind
Make the kids’ breakfast. Make their lunch.
Make my OWN lunch. Go to work. Reply to that email. Pick up the dog from the groomers. Feed the cat. Make dinner. RSVP to that party. Go to the PTA meeting. Buy groceries. Check the kids’ homework…
It’s hard to keep a clear mind when all these thoughts (and more) keep playing in your head on a loop.
Having an overly busy mind can lead to stress which can cause:
Weight gain
High blood pressure
Heart problems
When life and responsibilities happen, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by your thoughts.
But you don’t have to feel that way. Check out these tips on how to calm your busy mind!
Once you relax and stop thinking about every little thing you have to do, you’ll start to notice and appreciate the world around you and feel more relaxed.
How To Calm Your Busy Mind
1. Be Present –
Take a deep breath and focus on the now. Let go of whatever is in the past and let the future happen as it’s meant to. You’ll see that your mind will relax when you’re not always thinking about what’s next. Whether it’s spending time with your kids or taking yourself on a nature walk, allow yourself to live in the moment so you can experience the world and the people around you.
2. Meditation –
The point of meditation isn’t to solve problems or to check things off your to-do list. It’s to relax your body and mind. Just find a space that is quiet and comfortable, take deep breaths, and let all your thoughts occur one by one. You can do this in less than 10 minutes. This allows you to focus on one thought at a time, instead of speeding through them. As your thoughts go through your mind, acknowledge them, and let them pass on. There’s no need to stress over them.
3. Write It Down –
I’m a big fan of lists so sometimes when I feel like I have a lot on my plate, I like to write my thoughts down so I can see what I need to do. Writing your thoughts down is a great way to get everything going through your mind organized in one space. It’ll keep your mind from jumping from one thought to another and you’ll see exactly what needs to be done.
4. Do One Thing At A Time –
I know, I know…we’ve been raised to multitask. But did you know that multitasking doesn’t even work? When you’re bouncing back and forth from one thing to another, your mind only gets more cluttered with all the things you have to do for the projects you’re NOT working on. Trying to work on multiple tasks keeps you from getting anything done. Take a deep breath and do one thing at a time. You’ll find that you’ll get more done and your mind won’t feel so overwhelmed. As a BONUS TIP, reward yourself each time you finish up a task! It will keep you motivated and give you something to look forward to.
5. Declutter Your Surroundings –
Whether you realize it or not, visual clutter occupies the mind and causes it to stress out more than it needs to. Take a moment to clear out your space, even if you just toss out some old papers off your desk. Once your environment is free of any knick-knacks that cause your mind to race a mile a minute, you’ll start to feel calmer inside and out!